Monday 12 May 2014

A Quick Update of my Progress: on ME Awareness Day

Most of you who read this will know I am working pretty much full time now (well, over a 30 hour week anyway). In July 2014 it will be a full three years since I was diagnosed.

I felt like I should blog on today of all days, but I'm not going to be political, or waffle on; this is just a short bullet point list of a few things that I do to maintain my health currently:

  • Drink 8-10 250ml glasses of water/juice per day
  • Drink a smoothie/green smoothie most mornings
  • Eat simple, simply prepared food including lean meats and fish
  • Get a regular bedtime and have a bedtime routine
  • Exercise in the gym once a week
  • Walk in the fresh air if only for 10 minutes
  • PACE and switch my daily activities
  • Meditate
  • Do some gentle yoga/stretches
  • Journal/document my thoughts through words and art
  • Listen to my body and learn to know when it needs to rest
I know this might look like a REALLY basic list, but start with the simple things first and the rest will follow. The three basic, key elements that I always return to if I have a flare up or setback are:
Speaking from first hand, personal experience, I strongly believe I would NOT have recovered had I not learned, through much trial and error I might add, to get just these three things right; the rest came later. And different approaches work for different people, depending on the severity and variety of symptoms.

As I always say, this blog is NOT medical advice. It's simply a record of things that have worked for me in my own personal recovery journey.

I do hope, though, that it can offer comfort and inspiration to others that are dealing with the many and varied symptoms of ME/CFS.

Happy Monday all, look after yourselves.

J x


  1. It is so encouraging to read that you have made so much progress and are able to work full time! That is what I am aiming for. I am trying to get those three things under control at the moment and it seems to be making a little bit of a difference.... Fingers crossed I'll start seeing some bigger improvements soon.
    Thanks for sharing this.


  2. Thank you Faye! Start simple, and the rest will eventually follow. You may also learn what things you do NOT want to allow to return to your life :) off to look at your blog now!



Monday 12 May 2014

A Quick Update of my Progress: on ME Awareness Day

Most of you who read this will know I am working pretty much full time now (well, over a 30 hour week anyway). In July 2014 it will be a full three years since I was diagnosed.

I felt like I should blog on today of all days, but I'm not going to be political, or waffle on; this is just a short bullet point list of a few things that I do to maintain my health currently:

  • Drink 8-10 250ml glasses of water/juice per day
  • Drink a smoothie/green smoothie most mornings
  • Eat simple, simply prepared food including lean meats and fish
  • Get a regular bedtime and have a bedtime routine
  • Exercise in the gym once a week
  • Walk in the fresh air if only for 10 minutes
  • PACE and switch my daily activities
  • Meditate
  • Do some gentle yoga/stretches
  • Journal/document my thoughts through words and art
  • Listen to my body and learn to know when it needs to rest
I know this might look like a REALLY basic list, but start with the simple things first and the rest will follow. The three basic, key elements that I always return to if I have a flare up or setback are:
Speaking from first hand, personal experience, I strongly believe I would NOT have recovered had I not learned, through much trial and error I might add, to get just these three things right; the rest came later. And different approaches work for different people, depending on the severity and variety of symptoms.

As I always say, this blog is NOT medical advice. It's simply a record of things that have worked for me in my own personal recovery journey.

I do hope, though, that it can offer comfort and inspiration to others that are dealing with the many and varied symptoms of ME/CFS.

Happy Monday all, look after yourselves.

J x


  1. It is so encouraging to read that you have made so much progress and are able to work full time! That is what I am aiming for. I am trying to get those three things under control at the moment and it seems to be making a little bit of a difference.... Fingers crossed I'll start seeing some bigger improvements soon.
    Thanks for sharing this.


  2. Thank you Faye! Start simple, and the rest will eventually follow. You may also learn what things you do NOT want to allow to return to your life :) off to look at your blog now!
